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Trayvon Martin is being used

March 24, 2012

People kill each other every day, especially here in America. So what’s the real reason why the establishment is so indignant about this one?

Even if you have a cursory knowledge of the enemy’s playbook, you should be able to tell right off the bat the angle that is being played here. Divide and conquer, naturally. It’s just so perfect for them. An unarmed, young black boy is shot by a full-grown white(ish) guy in a suburb out of fear; they couldn’t even stage something this good.

From this launching pad, the mainstream media implants two viewpoints, one for white people, the other for black people.

He shouldn’t have been wearing a hoodie, he shouldn’t look so gangsta, so you learn dutifully as white people. But we’re not a dictatorship based around clothes, so this is an infantile perspective. However, this viewpoint serves an important purpose. It puts the mental image of said gangsta in a white person’s mind, and nine out of ten, this image comes from the television alone. The image is associated with violence and it is working beautifully. This is why there are “hoodie marches” going on; it’s a powerful image, implanting subconsciously that Martin shouldn’t have looked like “a criminal.”

This is not the post-racial America that Obama promised, we’re still in the Jim Crow days and you will be gunned down for the color of your skin, so you learn dutifully as black people. This narrative is so evil and misleading and not factual in the least. Today’s hurdle for black people is gainful employment and the ruthless justice system, not being shot by white people. One act of violence and almost fifty years of racial progress is thrown away? I don’t think so. The narrative for whites feed into this one too; the important bit is that Zimmerman shot out of fear, and so racism is blistering and very much alive.

So why hasn’t Zimmerman been arrested? It’s not like he was a cop and allowed to get away with murder. Like Jordan Maxwell said almost twenty years ago, when the government wants something, they get it. If they really wanted Zimmerman behind bars, you better believe he would be. But this isn’t about justice; this is about fomenting racial paranoia and hatred. Let’s have a look at the pushers.

If Obama really wanted a post-racial America, he wouldn’t have thrown his hat in the ring on this. This is obviously a sensitive matter, and he has to know that his appeals to emotion is only going to make things worse. “He’s like my own son!” Only today’s general public would buy such a line. Whenever I see a story about a poor little white boy who was killed, the thought of how much of a son he could be to me isn’t the first thing that goes through my mind. It’s a trick, a reminder that he’s black too, as racial tensions escalate.

As if awakening from a slumber, both civil rights careerists are coming forward on this. How come it took so long for them to get active? Young black people are shot all the time. Ah, but there’s something different about this case–it wasn’t a cop who did the shooting. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are complete establishment hacks, and they had nothing to say about Oscar Grant’s sad death. That’s because the police could be seen as government, and as useful as a divide and conquer tactic used against the police would be, it might blow back on them. The truth of Oscar Grant meeting his end at the hands of a backshootin’ coward was almost covered up with nary a word of protest, so don’t start thinking that these two care about black people, or anybody for that matter. They care about money.

One scary happening is the $10,000 “bounty” that the new black panthers is setting on Zimmerman’s head. Renounced by the true Black Panthers, this is a group all about violence and intimidation, whereas the real deal, like Malcolm X, were about equal rights and self-defense. So the question is, why haven’t these lunatics also been arrested, and why is there a story about this in every mainstream paper? Same reason why Zimmerman is still free; the enemy is going to sit back and hope for a domino effect.

It’s this so-called bounty that drove me to write on this subject. Before we jump into chaos, let’s take a few steps back and ask ourselves why this is being pushed so hard by people who claim to be moral.

The truth is, we’ll never have a post-racial America until society as a whole regard each other by the individual rather than the group.

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